Monday, April 28, 2014

Part of a Blog Tour!

I've recently been asked by the lovely Charlotte Ashlock, The Crazy Idealist herself, to participate in her writer's blog tour. Why she thinks I've anything interesting to say I'll never know. But I'm flattered nonetheless, and flattery does a dragon's ego good. So, I agreed.

Now, her own blog post which will link to me and some fellow writers is only just going up today. ( Read it here: ) My blog post to continue the tour, as it were, isn't due for another week. But I figured I'd better get something besides fan art posted here in the meantime.

Do please hit the jump to read on, won't you? There's a good human.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Black Collar Fan Art

Some beautiful fan/gift art I was given for The Black Collar. Both of these were commissioned by a fan, also an author. You can find on Twitter at @DragonYogoloth. Say hi, and check out his stories if you're interested. On top, we have Alvaranox, done by the awesome Treats. And on the Bottom, we have both Alvaranox and Kirra, done by the fantastic Ijoe.With his permission this image now also serves as cover art for my story blog as you can see.